Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Teaching Tuesdays: The Beginning

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Hello everyone!  As mentioned in my last post, today I want to introduce something new to the blog that I am hoping to incorporate here every Tuesday.  I’m calling it “Teaching Tuesday’s” because the plan is to share with you a list of up to five things I was taught, and up to five links to people, blogs, ministries, web pages etc. from which I was taught from during the previous week.  Then you will be given the opportunity join in by sharing too. 

What is the point of all of this, you might be wondering?  Well, here are a few reasons I felt this might be helpful:

1.      To  promote learning, which should be a continual life-long process.

2.      It’s difficult to teach anything, if you yourself are not continually being taught.

3.      Creating a list helps to recognize, summarize, and process what’s being learned.

4.      Sharing the list creates accountability to pursuing continual and consistent learning.

5.      Sharing the list teaches us to edify and praise those who are speaking into our lives.

Now that we’ve established the main what’s and why’s, let’s get started…

Five Things I learned Last Week:
“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.” ~Proverbs 23:12
1.      The goat has left my house – At church June 30th we had the pleasure of listening to guest speaker Al Furey preach.  His message?  The goat has left my house.  What?!  I know, sounds a bit strange, but it was an excellent lesson on how we’ve been freed from the burden of, not only our sins and transgressions, but from our iniquities as well.  There is a difference.  Don’t know what the difference is?  Want to learn how you too have been freed from your iniquities, sins, and transgressions?  Then check out what all this goat talk is about for yourself by listening to his sermon online.

2.      The tearing of the veil in the temple of God into two, upon the crucifixion of Christ, is what gave us direct access to speak to God ourselves – Though I had known it was torn I had never fully grasped the implication of this before.  Such an awesome truth to behold!  This was taught in that same sermon by Al Furey but was also re-affirmed to me the very next day in the first day of the online Bible study "Cultivating a Heart of Prayer," by Wendy Blight  Love how God ties our many lessons together!

3.      Luke 10:38-42 applies to our prayer lives as well – In the last week of the study of the book “Stressed-Less Living,” we took an in-depth look at these verses and I shared with you a post on how they helped my priorities in my walk with God to become Shifted.  Then, the very next week, we studied the very same verse in the "Cultivating a Heart of Prayer" online Bible study, only this time I learned that we can be Mary’s and Martha’s in our prayer lives too.  Check out the passage for yourself and see what God whispers to your heart on the subject.

4.      Sometimes, when we think there are things that have been cut out of our lives completely, they are actually being Woven by God into a whole new beautiful and unforeseen blessing in our lives – Last week’s post was on this very topic.  I invite you to check it out now if you missed it.

5.      It can take time…more time than you think, plan, or hope, for God’s plan to be revealed in certain circumstances  - Many of you know I have fought many battles in the war for my physical health.  I thought I had finally turned a corner in this, with victory feeling so close I could taste it, but then yet another completely unexpected battle erupted with a slipped disc in my neck.  I admit I’m frustrated with this and the peace that had so newly filled my heart has been threatened…as I truly can’t see or understand God’s purpose in all of this…but I know that He has plan, and that it is for my good, so I am choosing trust rather than discouragement and defeat.

Links I love and Learned From:
“He who walks with the wise grows wise.” ~Proverbs 13:20

Word Wisdom: links to other “Word” focused posts...
From the Hop: links to my favorite blogs from the Melissa Taylor Online Bible Study Blog Hops...
  • “One Thing” – A blog post written by Shelly Faust blogging @ IS THAT YOU, LORD?  Join in her journey of seeking to get her first book published as she shares how she finds the answer to comforting her fear in Luke 10:38-42.   
Budding Bloggers: posts from newer bloggers.  Check them out and give them some feedback...  

Posts to Ponder: posts with thought provoking points I hadn’t considered before…

So there’s my list of a few of the things I’ve been taught this last week and by what/whom.  Now it’s your turn.  There’s five ways you can get involved:

1.      Write your own blog post and then share your link in the comment section below.

2.      Type out a list and/or links directly in the comment section.

3.      Share in the comment section something you learned from this blog post.

4.      Share in the comment section which link from this blog post you learned from the most.

5.      Provide feedback in the comment section on the new “Teaching Tuesday’s” idea.

You can share just one thing you were taught last week or as many as five.  You can share one link you learned from or up to five.  It’s all up to you.  Share just things, or share just links, or any combo you choose…

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom.” ~Col 3:16

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