Thursday, August 29, 2013

Life Interrupted

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When I took the picture above, I was aiming to get a shot of the alpacas that stood just on the other side of the fence.  I thought I had held the camera in the perfect spot in between the links of the fence to be able to capture the image that lay beyond, but apparently the focus was all wrong because this is what I got instead.  My perfect shot was interrupted by the fence that stood in my way…or was it?

Last week, in my post “#YestoGod No Matter What,” I shared about how my computer crashed for the second time since saying Yes to God to being a FB small group leader for P31 OBS and how it breaking left me feeling very discouraged initially.  It had even brought me to the point of questioning God – did I hear him right that I was to say yes to this?  I mean, how was I supposed to do an online study AND lead a group on FB for that study when the device I needed to do so was no longer working and I didn’t have the funds to have it repaired again or replaced?  Pretty valid question wouldn’t you say?

 Well, obviously I’m still doing the study because here I am posting for the blog hop, but maybe you are wondering why and how I’m still here.
  How do we get through these “life interrupted challenges and still answer yes to God?  The first answer to that question came that very day it became evident my computer was not going to turn back on and which I shared last week when I wrote:

“…when I said yes to this study, I said yes, no matter what.  I don’t want to define for God what yes looks like or what no matter what includes.  I want to allow him to fill in those blanks, whatever that may mean.”

I chose to persevere.  Despite that my flesh and the enemy were telling me it was impossible or at the very least, too hard, I still chose to trust God.  I chose to trust that He would make a way where I could not even see a path.  I chose to believe that a solution was already in the works, even though I could not begin to imagine what that solution was.  I chose to continue down that #yestoGod road, having no clue that by doing so I would be reading in the material that very next week this:

“Satan wants to keep my perspective in a place where my heart is discouraged and my mind is questioning God.” –Pg.95


Ultimately I chose to follow blindly in persistence because I knew God uses all things for our good:  

“The persistent person understands the meaning of Romans 8:28: ‘We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’  This does not mean that everything that happens to us will be good, but that God will work in and through every situation to bring good from it.” –Pg.’s 94-95

What that good would be, I had no idea at the time, nor did I understand fully what was driving that persistence in me.  But I was about to find out.  And, as it turns out, there has been a lot of good waiting for me in and through this life interrupted trial.  There’s also been continued attacks due to a certain someone not caring for my continued obedience in saying yes to God.

(click here to pin on Pinterest)

                When I approached the material for this week’s OBS lessons, not only have I had a different perspective because of the good God had brought last week through my trial (if you missed that you can read about it here), but also because I have a growing hunger in me to overcome.  Now, when reading the material I’m still looking for that “why should I say yes to God,” but even more so than that, I’m looking for the - how do I ensure I can continue to say yes to God  when these life interrupted scenarios play out and the enemy has a hay day with them?  What I have found as a result, is that this shift in focus has led to a different response to what I’m reading.

“The focus of our hearts and minds will shape our decisions and actions that follow.” –Pg.85

                Before my computer crashed, when I read the material I would highlight the quotes that popped out at me and think: “Ooh, I like that one.  That’s a good one I can share,” or “That’d be a great one to create a poster for.”  But now while I’m reading the book, I’m constantly asking myself: “How is this related to our everyday lives?” or “What question can I ask to go along with this quote that prompts examination of our own lives – that prompts us to apply it to our moment by moment walks with God?”  This new-found application has brought whole new life and meaning into reading this book and to learning what it means to say yes to God – a definite “good” God used my trial to bring about.

                Another question that I started asking myself while going through the material for this week was: “How can I put what I’m reading into action in order to effectively fight the enemy’s attacks that seem to rise with every new yes to God?”   This question has been even more effective for me than the others and it has prompted a “new” activity that we are doing in Group #56, and which now I believe a few other groups have started utilizing as well – Word Weapon Cards.  While I don’t believe this is a completely new/original idea, I do give God all the credit for this “good” because it’s not something I had ever heard of or learned somewhere else before.  But rather it is something that I felt led to start while I was digging deeper into the latest chapters in my quest to effectively battle the enemy.

What are Word Weapon Cards?  They are simply this: index cards to carry with you and read when you’re feeling attacked by the enemy.  They act as a weapon against the areas in your life that Satan attacks you in. 

What is on a Word Weapon Card?  The category you are struggling with goes on the front in bold, along with one favorite verse from the Bible that personally speaks to you about that issue.  You can also add additional verse addresses all around the category word – thus creating a visual reminder of how God’s Word surrounds and conquers the enemy.  The back of the card is filled with 1-3 powerful quotes from the study material that stood out to you regarding that cards struggle topic.  Verses and quotes can be added over time from other resources as well. 

Here is a list of the topics we’ve done cards for during the last 2 weeks: temptations, empty places, perfection, ungratefulness and grumbling, unanswered prayer and trials.  Here is an example of the first one we made to carry with us to help us in saying yes to God (please excuse my less than attractive handwriting):

                Through this experience I have grown to rather like the picture I took of the fence.  There is a hidden quality in it that God has revealed to me.   Just like that picture, my picture of how I viewed this OBS turning out due to my computer crashing suddenly seemed imperfect, but in reality it wasn’t imperfect at all.  In reality there is beauty to behold in imperfection because God uses it to capture His perfect plan for our lives – our "life interrupted" becomes a "life God’s perfecting" – a good that only God can accomplish.

                I don’t know what your life interrupted looks like, but maybe like I was, you are finding yourself feeling discouraged and wondering if you heard God right about saying yes.  If so, I hope that you will take to heart what Lysa said about that being right where Satan wants you and I pray that you will take action against Him by making some Word Weapon cards of your own.  Lysa says on pg.’s 99-100: “In times where the road diverges in front of us, we can either fall away from God or fall toward him.”  Choose to fall toward Him today.  Choose to have your life interrupted” turned into a “life God’s perfecting” as well.

“We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”  -Romans 5:3



  1. Katrina, your honesty and transparency in this piece are absolutely riveting. Thank you so much for sharing very real feelings and examples. I can't wait to send my small group over to read this and your wonderful explanation and illustrations of Word Weapon Cards. Thank you so much!
    Hope Aylor (not Charlie:)

    1. Thank you Hope. I appreciate your feedback and I hope that God will use these Word Weapon Cards for the benefit of those you share them with. May they cause the devil to shake in his boots and be conquered!

  2. I so need the word weapon cards! Even when life is comfortable we can step forward in radical obedience to serve The Lord. It's when the difficulty comes that Satan slips inside with the I CAN'T foam that fill each empty spot. Empty because I have shifted my focus and have let the doubt sweep away my blessings. It happens every time so I should know by now, right? Your word weapon cards will help me because I am new to reading the bible and don't always know where to go when I'm lost. Focusing on God is my tool, but I feel like the bible is similar to being in Lowes and I only need a screw big and overwhelming for my newness. These cards will be my focus, my next step, my invitation to read more from where this scripture came from and the context it is situated within. I'm excited, because my goal for being radically obedient is to focus on my steps and not my destination, since I must walk in faith. I am overjoyed with your entry for it is an invitation for me to strengthen my knowledge and understand of the bible, while guarding my headband keeping my focus on The Lord.

    1. Denise, I'm so glad the Lord led you to this post. Thank you for sharing what's on your heart. I can relate to your experiences of being left feeling empty due to a shifted focus and having the enemy feast on those moments of weakness. Yes, he does it every time. I hope and pray that God will use these Word Weapon Cards to fill in those gaps and to bring you to a stronger place both in your walk and in your knowledge of God's Word - both being so crucial to fighting those enemy attacks. Blessings to you on your journey!

  3. Awesome Post Katrina! Great Job! So blessed to be in group 56 and even more blessed that you are my sister-in-law. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, keep up the good work! God Bless, Anna

    1. thank you Anna :) I'm glad you've joined us. Sharing this journey with you has been a blessing.

  4. I love how you are wholeheartedly saying YES to Him! He's so perfect and certainly won't leave you stranded. May His peace and consistency encourage YOU to be peaceful and consistently saying YES to Him. Love and hugs!

    Christa (OBS Group Leader)

  5. I think I need to make myself some word weapon cards. In the heat of the moment, I can totally disregard the things I'm learning. It's after the fact when I recognize how I need to be more calm, patient, quick to LISTEN, and SLOW to speak. It would be helpful to have those reminders before I overreact.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Katrina.

    Bree, OBS Facebook Group Leader

    1. Hey Bree! you'll have to let me know how they work for you. I can totally relate to what you shared. It's so easy to lose that info in that moment we come face to face with our trials. Thanks for your feedback :)

  6. I agree with all above - the post is excellent and the idea of the Weapon cards great! I still want to know how you did this post with no computer though...library?

    1. Hi Mel, I guess I didn't explain all of that did I? We ended up taking the computer back to the tech that had "fixed" it the first time it crashed. Because it had only been a few weeks, he agreed to try again for free! Praise God!

      Last weeks blog post I did from my smart phone - not fun - but with God it got done. This was also how I was able to continue posting in my group. I didn't think it was possible because there's still so much that can't be done with a smart phone, but God pulled me through and showed me what was important and what wasn't - basically that He still gets His message across despite all the imperfect glitches of our lives.

      I now have my computer back. I have continued to experience glitches with it, including not being able to get it to go online for several hours last night when I was trying to post my blog, but God is so good and keeps working everything out for His glory.

  7. Katrina,

    I love the fence photo! This is an amazing post! I also love the word weapon cards!!!! I also had a computer crash this week.....hmmm coincidence? I think not. Keep persevering girl!

    1. Thanks Melissa! Definitely not a coincidence. The first time mine crashed was the night of the conference call with Glynnis for She Speaks. In that call she talked about the spiritual warfare that takes place leading up to She Speaks. She even mentioned computer issues. No sooner did I get off that call and my computer crashed! To the enemy's dismay, God is using it all for good though! It's truly been a blessing because I feel like I've grown so much! Praying your computer issues are resolved as well :)
