It seems that lately
I’ve had so many questionable feelings, to the point where I can feel no more;
only numbness. The conflicting emotions
have slowed my brain like a drug, taking over the realization that it is my
turn to lead this dance. Instead, I find
myself waltzing around in a circle of confusion, battling myself every step of
the way. It’s as though a civil war has
erupted inside of me and I’m frozen right in the crossfire of my own thoughts. I sit here lost in the whirlwind of arrows
buzzing by, not knowing which one is pointing in the right direction. I try to find my way, but the smoke from the
bombardment of mixed feelings has stolen my sense of direction and is slowly
smothering me. I run this way and that,
finding myself advanced to the front line, where there are no more trenches to
shelter me from the battle, only an open field of illusional freedom staring
me in the face.
I wrote that
sixteen years ago, as a senior in high school who was facing graduation and the
prospect of going out into the world on my own for the first time. I share it with you today because, to me, it
illustrates what life looks like when facing it without God…or at least a life
without leaning on His strength, power, and wisdom for help and guidance. It is a painting of a battle met in
confusion and ending in defeat because it is one that we can only recognize and
win in Him. It is the battle that is
raging all around us for our hearts, our minds, and our souls - the spiritual
warfare that the Bible speaks of and warns us about...
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can
take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” ~Ephesians 6:10-12
When I finally
decided to face my fear and begin a blog, I didn’t know a whole lot about
actually creating one, but one thing I did know is that it needed to center around
something in regards to my journey with Christ as a believer. And so I prayed for direction, and the more I
prayed and thought, the more it was confirmed to me that what was central to so
many of my struggles in my walk was the one in distinguishing between what came
from God’s Word vs. what had been engrained in me through the world. It also became clear to me that what I needed
to focus on to change all of this was Romans 12:2a: “Do not conform any longer to
the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” And so my main topic, or “theme” if you will,
was chosen. What I didn’t yet realize
even then however, is just how big this battle that I was squaring up to face
in my life – the spiritual warfare - truly was.
This has slowly been becoming clearer and clearer to me as I’ve pressed
into God’s Word and shared some of those personal battles here over the past
year, and in particular, through the reading of Tracie Miles book, “Stressed-Less Living,” through Melissa Taylors Online Bible Studies
which I’m participating in right now.
If you’ve
been following my blog at all, then you’re already aware that there has been a
battle waging over my physical health.
One that I have been consumed with and been crying out to God over,
wanting to know why – why he allowed it to happen to me and why I wasn’t
finding healing. It has been a central
focus of mine for years and one that you’ve learned I had come to see as a
giant in my life that couldn’t be defeated.
But then you’ve also learned with me that the real giant that I’ve been
facing hasn’t in fact been my physical struggles at all, but instead is really
fear – a fear fed by my constant focus on my problems and a fear fed by the
enemy in my lack of focus on Christ.
“It is our choice who
will have dominion over our lives – the evil one or the Holy One…We have to be
ready for the war that is being waged against our hearts each and every day by
staying connected to our Savior.” ~Tracie Miles, “Stressed-Less Living” pg. 130
I was so
enthralled by my struggles that I had become like an eagle that, while zeroed in
on its prey, had not realized it’d circled down into crow territory and
therefore was caught unexpectedly by the assault waged on it, causing it to have
to pull back up with empty talons. Over
and over, day after day, week after week, month after month I did this, almost
giving it up for good in defeat.
Thankfully though, God has reminded me that the strength and victory of
the eagle comes from its ability to soar higher than the crows and that I too
am able to soar high like an eagle out of the enemy’s reach when I keep my
trust in Him.
“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not grow faint.” ~Isaiah
“Run and not grow weary…walk and not grow
faint.” I’ve been put to the test in this already as I
again began to face my “battle of the bulge” with my rejuvenated faith. Yesterday morning, I decided to take my
exercise out into the beautiful sunshine of God’s creation and go for a walk on
a trail by the river near our house.
This is something that I know sounds simple enough to those without
physical limitations, but to my frustration, has proven to be quite the
challenge for me every time in the past.
This time, though I knew the challenges would not be gone, I was
determined not to allow them to lead me down the path of frustration and
failure. Immediately I was tested in
this. Lucky for me though, I had just
read chapter nine of “Stressed-Less
Living,” that same morning, and Tracie’s words were still fresh in my mind:
“Real strength results
from persistent communication and fellowship with him and allowing his words to
guide us through each day…Fully trusting in the Lord is where we draw the kind
of strength we need – that spiritual infusion of power that comes from daily
devotion to biblical principles. It is
this constant connection with God that will enable us to be transformed and
empowered by him.” ~pages 178, 179
this came in handy when I realized the number of challenges I was already going
to have to overcome just to get the stroller that I needed to push my daughter
in while I walked. The pre-rejuvenated
Katrina would have possibly allowed these obstacles to be reason enough to quit
before even getting started and would have likely taken out the frustration of
this by texting her husband a sarcastic thank you for the location in which the
stroller was put, but the stressed-less Katrina, in knowing that her husband had no idea she was going to need the stroller, decided to talk to God instead,
admitting she couldn’t retrieve the stroller on her own and was trusting in him
and his strength to help her get to it and get it down, out, and into the car.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
~Philippians 4:13
Though it
was not a quick and pain free process, this go-to power verse repeated over and over again under my breath worked and I was eventually on my
way down the road to the river. However,
I knew that the challenges were not yet over.
I knew I would need additional arsenal for the battle I was about to
face. Again, my mind went back to
something Tracie had written which I had read that morning:
“If you are hungering
for not only stress relief but also a renewed spirit and a healthier outlook on
life, cry out for the nourishment that God provides. Consider taking some spiritual vitamins in
the coming months and allow God to feed your soul.” ~pg. 190
I began to
list out in my mind all the “spiritual
vitamins” that I could think of during the short couple mile drive down the
road: reading God’s Word, devotionals,
Christian books/studies – a daily quiet time with the Lord…worship, attending
church, fellowship with other believers…writing, serving others, giving/tithing…praying
ceaselessly…out of all these, I knew the last one would be my first line of
defense while walking, for as Tracie says on pg. 195, “Prayer is a weapon that nobody can ever take away from us, not even
our worst enemy.”
immediately upon beginning my walk, I was greeted by the all-too-familiar pain
that pierced through my shoulders and neck into the base of my skull with every
pounding step on the asphalt below my feet.
Though the pain itself didn’t catch me off guard, the fact that it came
so quickly did, and in that brief unprotected moment, I allowed a negative
thought to creep through my mind where the enemy was almost allowed a
foot-hold. Instead, I turned to God,
praying my situation, my pain, myself into His loving and gracious hands.
“God can effortlessly
still the brutal waves in the raging sea of our lives, but we have to put our
lives in his hands before he can do so.” ~Tracie Miles, “Stressed-Less Living
pg. 195
For the
first half of my walk this is how it would go.
Though I was not pain free, I was not pain focused, which was a victory
all of its own. A victory that I was
celebrating until shortly after I reached the half-way mark and had turned
around to head back in the direction I had come. It was then that I met my first
distraction…and my second…and my third. All
in row, one after the other, runners zipped by me with ease and in their wake
the thoughts: “Lord, why can’t I run… Why
is even walking so hard?” were left in my mind. I had come to a crossroads at that
point. A crossroads I had come upon so
many times before. The thing is, even
though I may not be able to physically run, I can choose to allow my thoughts
to race towards the devil where I inevitably find myself held captive in
negativity, or I can choose to run to the throne of God and receive his mercy
and grace.
“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious
God. There we will receive his mercy,
and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” ~Hebrews 4:16
We are so
blessed to have a God that loves us so much that no matter how many times we
mess up, no matter how many times we choose the wrong path, no matter how many
times we do not choose him, he still always offers us an alternate route – an
escape route - and is there waiting patiently to welcome us back onto the right
track. He did this for me on my
walk. Though I had veered dangerously
towards the embankment of defeat again, this time I saw the blinking caution
light and was able to straighten back out thanks to the morning’s regimen of spiritual vitamins I had taken in and as
I ventured down this escape route from God, I was reminded of yet another
important, but often overlooked and/or forgotten spiritual vitamin by my daughter…
Sometimes you have to stop and take the time to smell the flowers, for it is in doing so that we are reminded of God’s great grandeur – the beauty and wonder of his much of His truth and wisdom is reflected in this.
Just in my short little walk I noticed how the birds always sing joyfully all while they are about their business working, just as we should always be joyful when going about our business in our day. And in watching the river flow swiftly over the rocks, I was reminded how God uses the currents of our lives to polish away all our rough edges and make us shine. Then there’s the salmon that swim up this very river every fall against the current, so much like believers constantly swimming against the currents of this world, fighting for the spreading and survival of Christianity in future generations…and we can’t forget the hawk – the one circling overhead hunting for its prey just like Satan was circling my thoughts and my heart all throughout my walk, searching for the smallest of weakness to prey upon…yes, taking a break to marvel at God’s creation is vital to our spiritual walks.
As my walk came to a close and I was loading everything back up into my car, one more thought from chapter nine came into my mind. On page 179, Tracie wrote: “Let’s imagine God had a camera and began taking pictures of people who were pillars of strength in his eyes. What types of snapshots do you think he would take?” As I drove home I found myself not only pondering what type of people he’d be photographing, but also whether or not I’d be in any of his daily collages of pictures. While I knew that I likely had not been among those photographs shot in a long while, I wondered whether perhaps, just maybe, I had made the grade that day, and it is in this thought that I’ve found my new focus – something greater to strive for than just losing weight or getting in shape. Every day in working out my struggles – physical, emotional, and spiritual alike – I will strive to be that pillar of strength in the Lord in which He, our God captures with his lens, for I want to be found pictured among the strong in God, rather than the weak in spirit.
Sometimes you have to stop and take the time to smell the flowers, for it is in doing so that we are reminded of God’s great grandeur – the beauty and wonder of his much of His truth and wisdom is reflected in this.
Just in my short little walk I noticed how the birds always sing joyfully all while they are about their business working, just as we should always be joyful when going about our business in our day. And in watching the river flow swiftly over the rocks, I was reminded how God uses the currents of our lives to polish away all our rough edges and make us shine. Then there’s the salmon that swim up this very river every fall against the current, so much like believers constantly swimming against the currents of this world, fighting for the spreading and survival of Christianity in future generations…and we can’t forget the hawk – the one circling overhead hunting for its prey just like Satan was circling my thoughts and my heart all throughout my walk, searching for the smallest of weakness to prey upon…yes, taking a break to marvel at God’s creation is vital to our spiritual walks.
As my walk came to a close and I was loading everything back up into my car, one more thought from chapter nine came into my mind. On page 179, Tracie wrote: “Let’s imagine God had a camera and began taking pictures of people who were pillars of strength in his eyes. What types of snapshots do you think he would take?” As I drove home I found myself not only pondering what type of people he’d be photographing, but also whether or not I’d be in any of his daily collages of pictures. While I knew that I likely had not been among those photographs shot in a long while, I wondered whether perhaps, just maybe, I had made the grade that day, and it is in this thought that I’ve found my new focus – something greater to strive for than just losing weight or getting in shape. Every day in working out my struggles – physical, emotional, and spiritual alike – I will strive to be that pillar of strength in the Lord in which He, our God captures with his lens, for I want to be found pictured among the strong in God, rather than the weak in spirit.
“If you are searching
for a weapon to fight your stress, don’t look to the ways of the world. Don’t allow the devil to fill your head with
lies that drugs, alcohol, physical pleasures, or random coping mechanisms are
the only choice you have. Choose God,
his Word, prayer and spiritual vitamins.
As you fight the battle with these tools, you will also be
simultaneously choosing your victory.” ~Tracie Miles, “Stressed-Less Living”
pg. 196
“God’s desire is that
you surrender all that is weighing you down.
If you choose only one weapon to fight off your stress, let God’s Word
be it.” Pg. 185
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the
course of your life.” ~Proverbs 4:23
Katrina, this post was a beautiful reminder that we can, indeed, do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens us. When we will turn to him. You are bravely stepping out one foot in front of the other and trusting that our God - who loves you and redeemed you - will allow you to ultimately soar like an eagle. Fly girl - FLY!
ReplyDeleteMissy, thank you for your support, encouraging me to fly! All things in Christ - yes indeed :)
DeleteWOW Kat, this post was simply amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your story and what God is doing in your life. And also helping us to look at things differently and press into God when challenges come instead of trying to figure it out on our own. You are a talented writer and I am so glad that you shared your gift with us today.
ReplyDeleteJamy, your words, support, and teachings are such an inspiration. Thank you for speaking hope into my dreams and struggles. So thankful for God putting this study and woman like you into my journey of seeking Him. Blessings to you!
DeleteI was touched by this blog and specifically the reminder that a spiritual vitamin is your sweet daughter. Thanks for including photographs.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lisa. The Lord uses my daughter continually to speak to me and keep me in check. It's amazing what these little ones can say and do that impacts our hearts for God.
DeleteKatrina thanks for sharing this great post. This spoke to me personally, “God’s desire is that you surrender all that is weighing you down. I am dealing with trying to convince my 87 year old Mom she has to move closer to us, she is an hour away and getting too feeble to be that far away with no family close by. Her mind is getting very confused and I am afraid for her welfare. I need to come closer to God in dealing with weight. This has always been one of my favourite scripture verses,"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not grow faint.” ~Isaiah 40:31 The freedom of soaring above the difficulties of life.
ReplyDeleteI love how God uses our struggles to speak to others in their journey. I will be praying for your circumstance with your mom. God has her under his wings too!
DeleteThanks Katrina for sharing your journey and struggles and how God can and does help you face then with Him. One of my favourite scriptures is this one you quoted,"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not grow faint.” ~Isaiah 40:31 the freedom of soaring above life's difficulties. Blessing as you continue on the stress less living Bible study.
ReplyDeleteI love that scripture too - so powerful! Thanks for your feedback and blessings to you in your journey as well.
DeleteAnother beautiful entry, Katrina! I loved when you said, "And in watching the river flow swiftly over the rocks, I was reminded how God uses the currents of our lives to polish away all our rough edges and make us shine." You have lovely way with words! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and darling photos!
Bree, OBS Facebook Leader
Bree, thanks for your continued support and feedback. I love how you are specific with your examples and support.
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing progress through Christ! Remember he is with you through the troubling times. Pray often!!!! My prayers are with you.
A work in progress, right? Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement and reminders. Yes, pray often for sure!